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University of California, Los Angeles
March 2007


Class Specifications
Clerk - 4673
Sr. Clerk - 4672



Clerical employees perform clerical services essential to the operation of University departments and perform other related duties as required.

Incumbents provide general clerical assistance to departmental staff and may participate in clerical aspects of budget preparation or contract and grant preparation; non-laboratory business services such as purchasing, inventory and stores, facilities and space utilization; or maintenance of departmental personnel records, pertinent files and other required records.

In addition to the above-mentioned duties, incumbents may perform specific functions supportive to a teaching, research or administrative department or specialized operation. Depending on the nature of the department, incumbents may participate in scheduling classes; prepare bulletin and teaching materials; and compile and maintain specialized resource files.

Positions in this series do not normally have final authoritative responsibility for unit operations; they have operational responsibilities for support services, as well as responsibility for providing staff assistance. The series consists of two distinct classes that recognize succeeding degrees of work difficulty.

Positions are allocated to different levels based on factors such as nature and extent of authority delegated, variety and complexity of functions performed, application of knowledge of intradepartmental or interdepartmental functions and University policies and procedures, nature and level of intramural and extramural public contacts, reporting relationship of the positions and commitment authority and consequence of error.



This class is characterized by the procedural nature of tasks assigned, detail of instructions, restrictive nature of guidelines provided, or confinement to accepted methods and procedures indicated by tasks assigned. Repetitive, routine or standardized tasks are performed with little or no supervision, once learned.

At this level, the following factors should be considered:

1. Assignments entail specific tasks, unrelated but each complete in itself; or a series of steps which are normally repetitive and in a prescribed sequence.

2. Specific instructions are provided regarding tasks to be performed, sources to be used, and products desired. Non-routine work is reviewed.

3. Guidelines provided are oral or written instructions or established procedures; and they are few in number or sources, detailed, specific, directly applicable and readily available. No originality is required.

4. Incumbents are responsible for completion of assigned tasks in accordance with guides and/or instructions.

Senior Clerk

This level is characterized by responsibility for an end product of work and by independent application of knowledge of standard office methods and procedures. Assignments entail some phases of a program or service involving performance of a variety of detailed operations in related sequence or series.

At this level, the following factors should be considered:

1. Work is performed under supervision of a higher-level clerical or administrative person. Assignments are given in clerical terms. Duties involving standard methods are performed independently, with guidance provided as requested, and those involving nonstandard methods or materials are performed from specific instructions or guides.

2. Guidelines include a variety of procedural rules and regulations that are detailed, directly applicable and readily available; some judgment is required to select from among standard office methods or to devise working procedures for own desk. This requires knowledge of a variety of standard procedures, an understanding of the terminology of the unit served and some familiarity with work done in related departments.

3. Incumbents are responsible for accuracy, completeness and end products of work, and may assign and check the work of others.