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Implementation of Wage Changes for SX, TX, RX and CX

As the next step in implementing the collective bargaining agreements between the University of California and the Service Unit (SX), Technical Unit (TX), Research Unit (RX) and Clerical Unit (CX), the following wage changes are effective October 1, 2006, for employees paid monthly and September 24, 2006, for employees paid biweekly.

Eligible employees for each of the following changes are those in the bargaining unit on active status or on an approved leave. Rates may vary slightly due to rounding.

The following changes will be implemented centrally unless otherwise stated.

Service Unit (SX)

Range Adjustment: All SX ranges will be increased by 3%. As a result of this range movement, unit employees will receive a 3% salary increase, consistent with the range change, including those over the maximum of the salary range.

Technical Unit (TX)

Range Adjustment: All TX ranges will be increased by 2.7%. As a result of this range movement, unit employees will receive a 2.7% increase, consistent with the range change.

Lump Sum Payments and Increases

Employees who remain over the maximum of the new range will receive the equivalent of ½ of the 2.7% in a Lump Sum payment and the other half in a base building increase.

Employees who are currently over the range maximum, but for whom the 2.7% range adjustment would put them into range but not on step, will receive an increase up to the new range maximum, and then receive a Lump Sum payment for ½ of the remaining amount, with the other half of the remaining amount in a base building increase.
Although these payments and increases will require departmental processing by EDB Preparers, Compensation Services will provide calculations for each of the individuals who fall into these categories.  Lump Sum payments should be processed under the DOS Code “LSP.”

Research Unit (RX)

Range Adjustment: All RX ranges will be increased by 2.8%. As a result of this range movement, unit employees will receive a 2.8% increase, consistent with the range change.

Lump Sum Payments and Increases

Employees who remain over the maximum of the new range will receive the equivalent of ½ of the 2.8% in a Lump Sum payment and the other half in a base building increase.

Employees who are currently over the range maximum, but for whom the 2.8% range adjustment would put them into range but not on step, will receive an increase up to the new range maximum, and then receive a Lump Sum payment for ½ of the remaining amount, with the other half of the remaining amount in a base building increase.

Although these payments and increases will require departmental processing by EDB Preparers, Compensation Services will provide calculations for each of the individuals who fall into these categories.  Lump Sum payments should be processed under the DOS Code “LSP.”

Clerical Unit (CX)

Across the Broad increase: All eligible employees will receive a .02-cent an hour pay increase.

Range Adjustment: All CX ranges will be increased by 3.25%. As a result of this range movement, unit employees will receive a 3.25% increase, consistent with the range change. This update will be made on September 28, 2006, in order to allow processing time for the following action to the Library Assistants on October 2, 2006.

Library Assistants will receive an additional half step increase.

New rates (unless otherwise stated) will be updated in EDB on the evening of October 2, 2006, and will be available for review in EDB on October 3, 2006. New rates for biweekly paid employees will be reflected on the October 18, 2006, paycheck for which IPAY screens can be reviewed on October 13, 2006. New rates for monthly paid employees will be reflected on the November 1, 2006, paycheck for which IPAY screens can be reviewed on October 26, 2006. Employees hired October 2, 2006, and after will require a manual update by the EDB preparer. Refer to the Title and Pay Plan for new rates when hiring employees who will be starting after the October 1, 2006, effective date.

Contact Compensation Services with any rate-related questions or Personnel Services for questions regarding processing or EDB.

Campus Human Resources, Compensation Services
Phone: (310) 794-0880 | Fax: (310) 794-0875

Campus Human Resources, Personnel Services
Phone: (310) 794-3147 | Fax: (310) 794-0865