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UC-CUE Agreement - Frequently Asked Questions

You will receive credit against total percentage salary reduction and the number of temporary layoff days you need to take. For example, if your salary band corresponds to a 4% cut and 11 temporary layoff days, you would have 6 remaining temporary layoff days.
Yes. Unless an employee opted prior to the initial closure to have his/her pay only reduced when he/she are scheduled off, his/her pay will be reduced in accordance with the chart beginning with the February 2010 earnings. He/she will then have 11 to 16 temporary layoff days, depending on his/her payroll band which can be scheduled during the year.
No, your reduction will continue to be based on your January 2009 pay.
No, if the only reason your appointment % falls below 50% is due to the temporary layoff days when you are not on pay status, you will not lose eligibility for benefits such as health and disability. Remember that if you had opted to have your pay reduced in equal amounts, you would be considered to be on pay status even on your temporary layoff days. 
Yes, unless they are otherwise excluded, for example, if they are on START, or paid 100% off of extramural contracts and grants.
Partial year career employees will only have their salaries reduced and accrue temporary layoff days for those months during the period February 1, 2010, through January 31, 2011, in which they are scheduled to work.
The number of temporary layoff days will be determined by the total percentage of the employee’s appointment over the period of February 1, 2010, through January 31, 2011.
Yes, as part of the hiring process, a newly hired employee may be advised that he/she would be subject to the Agreement in the current fiscal year for the remaining portion of the twelve-month period, and under the same criteria as current employees. The end date for purposes of calculating reductions is January 31, 2011.
Generally, with a supervisor's approval, temporary layoff days may be used in advance of their accrual. However, it is not appropriate to use temporary layoff days in excess of those days that have accrued plus those days that will accrue prior to separation when it is known that an employee will be separating from University employment (e.g., retiring, etc.) prior to January 31, 2011. 
You would be entitled to temporary layoff days if you worked sufficient time during the period of pay reduction (February 1, 2010 - January 31, 2011) to have accrued them prior to your separation. The number of days that you accrue would be calculated as a proportion based on the percentage that you worked of the entire period of pay reduction. For example, if your pay band entitles you to 11 days of temporary layoff, you would accrue slightly less than one day each month that you worked during the period of pay reduction. So, if you were separating from the University on June 30, 2010, and you already used six temporary layoff days to cover the December 2009 Holiday closure, you would have exhausted your accrual of temporary layoff days and would not be entitled to use more days prior to your separation.  Also remember that any unused temporary layoff days expire upon your separation or December 31, 2010, whichever comes first.
No, once you have used any portion of the temporary layoff days under the Temporary Layoff Program you cannot withdraw from the Temporary Layoff Program and go on START. However, if you wish to take a salary reduction greater than the percentage reduction required under the Temporary Layoff Program, you can request to participate in the START Program for the additional percentage of your reduction.
Yes, an employee is always entitled to de-enroll from START, with the department’s concurrence, as long as s/he provides the University with at least 30 days notice. 
You would be credited with your 4 months of START, so you would be covered by the Agreement for 8 months beginning in February 2010.
You would have 9 temporary layoff days. Employees who have a 5% reduction are granted 13 days of temporary layoff.  Under START you used 4 days (START time must be used in the month in which the deduction is made) and the difference between the total number of days you would otherwise be entitled to (13) minus 4 (the number of days you have taken) leaves you with 9 temporary layoff days.
If you wish to sign up for START in order to avoid coverage under the Agreement you will need to enroll in START prior to the first pay reduction under the Temporary Layoff Program or the first day of temporary layoff (e.g. the first December holiday closure date) whichever comes first. For example, an employee who has already taken a temporary layoff day during the December holiday closure period could not transition off of the Temporary Layoff Program and into the START Program in January.
Yes, CUE agreed to the recent modifications to the START Program which: 

1) Extends START thru 12/31/10;

2) Permits START reductions as low as 4%;

3) Allows probationary employees to go on START.

Clerical bargaining unit employees interested in going on START may elect to participate at 4% with the supervisor’s approval.

Assuming that December 2009 was your last month on START and that your START reduction in October, November and December was 10%, you would be covered by the Agreement for six months additional months. 
The University and CUE are still negotiating over the resumption of CX employee contributions to UCRP.  Assuming that CX employees resume contributions to the UCRP in April 2010, both employer contributions and employee contributions to UCRP from April 15, 2010, through the end of the term of the plan) will be based on the employee’s reduced salary.
Limited appointees who are not otherwise excluded (based on being funded 100% by contracts and grants, or by being on START, for example) are covered by the Agreement. 
The ability to use temporary layoff time ¼ hour increments was an element of the Furlough Program and of this Agreement. 
Scheduling of temporary layoff days, beyond those utilized for designated closure days, is to be handled like vacation days which must be approved by the supervisor.