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April Training & Development Newsletter

Training News - April 2011

“Man's greatness lies in his power of thought.”  
  - Blaise Pascal

Take advantage of skill building and professional development opportunities. The following are highlights of upcoming workshops. We look forward to seeing you in class!


Planning Your UC Retirement – Discuss the details of the UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) and develop a greater understanding of topics such as retirement age, payment options, and investment choices. This class will be held April 4.


Public Speaking and Presentation Skills – Learn to overcome the challenges of public speaking. This workshop will provide participants with the fundamental presentation skills needed to design and deliver articulate, well-planned presentations in a variety of formal and informal settings. This class will be held April 19.

Writing Basics – Improve your writing skills in this very thorough back-to-basics class for the conscientious writer.  A great review of the important rules of grammar, including punctuation, capitalization, and correct word usage. Class meets on April 20 and April 27.

For more information and to sign up for Campus Human Resources’ classes, go to:


UCLA Extension’s American Language Center offers new professional-development opportunities for non-native speaking professionals: two sequential programs to improve communication skills and enhance effectiveness on the job. Participants receive a certificate upon completion. UNEX can also bring these programs to your workplace. For more information regarding these programs visit:

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