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November Training & Development Newsletter

Training News - November 2010

“A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping-stone to the optimist.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Take advantage of skill building and professional development opportunities. The following are highlights of upcoming workshops. We look forward to seeing you in class!


Supervision, Management, and Leadership:

Building Effective Work Teams - Develop an understanding of team development and how cohesion relates to enhanced effectiveness among work groups. This class will be held November 16th.

Communication Skills for Supervisors - Learn techniques to improve communication with your subordinates on a daily basis and as you provide performance feedback. Discover how to identify and implement solutions to communication problems. This class will be held November 19th.

Financial Management:

Advanced Accounting II - This class expands upon the principles learned in both the Accounting fundamentals and Advanced Accounting I classes. Review case studies from UCLA to better understand how to analyze problems, and develop decision making skills that can be applied at any level of financial responsibility. This class will be held November 23rd.

Technology and Software: 

Word 2007 - Explore the new features Microsoft Office has added to their word processing program such as the Fluent User Ribbon and Quick Styles. This class will be held November 18th.

For more information and to sign up for classes, please go to:

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