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A. General

Refer to UC-PPSM 66 (Medical Separation), Section A.

B. Basis for Separation

Analysis and evaluation of the employee's ability to perform the essential job functions should be made in consultation with the appropriate CHR Employee Relations Consultant and the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor in the Office of Insurance and Risk Management. The employee's ability to perform essential job functions with reasonable accommodation, in accordance with the federal Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act, shall be considered in the analysis.

If it is determined that an employee will be unable to return to work for an indefinite period due to a medical condition that is not work-incurred, the department is encouraged to evaluate, on a case-by-case basis, whether medical separation should occur after the employee has been on medical leave for six (6) months. This evaluation should be made in consultation with the CHR Employee Relations Consultant and the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.

C. Notices

The employee should be advised in the medical separation notification of her/his eligibility for special reappointment procedures following medical separation. Refer to UC-PPSM 20 (Recruitment), Section B and UC-PPSM 81 (Reasonable Accommodation), Section D. Employees must also be advised of their COBRA rights. (See Final Notice of Medical Separation [66-1]).

Copies of all notices of medical separation should be provided to CHR's Benefits and Personnel Services unit. This office will review each notice to determine if the employee is eligible for any continuing University-sponsored benefits (for example Disability Income or Service Retirement).

D. Special Reappointment Procedures

Refer to Section C above and to UC-PPSM 66 (Medical Separation), Section D. Also, refer to UCLA Procedure 2, Definitions (Trial Employment).